When Homeownership Excitement Wears Off

dave Post in House Stuff
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You are viewing an old revision of this post, from October 8, 2013 @ 23:54:18. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

This past weekend, the excitement of living in an awesome house, with an awesome backyard, in an awesome neighborhood, turned into “Just throw me in a tank full of hungrier than fuck sharks after stabbing me in the ass several times with a fork”.

We had a good storm roll through the area and during the best of the sideways rain, my lovely wife ran out to the garage to tell me we had a serious problem. And we did… because light fixtures are most assuredly NOT supposed to leak water onto your floor.

And that’s when the excitement wears off – when the two-year old roof on your house leaks and you spend a couple of hours tearing soaking wet insulation out of your attic.


Post Revisions:


October 8, 2013 @ 23:54:18Current Revision
Unchanged: This past weekend, the excitement of living in an awesome house, with an awesome backyard, in an awesome neighborhood, turned into "Just throw me in a tank full of hungrier than fuck sharks after stabbing me in the ass several times with a fork".Unchanged: This past weekend, the excitement of living in an awesome house, with an awesome backyard, in an awesome neighborhood, turned into "Just throw me in a tank full of hungrier than fuck sharks after stabbing me in the ass several times with a fork".
Deleted: We had a good storm roll through the area and during the best of the sideways rain, my lovely wife ran out to the garage to tell me we had a serious problem. And we did... because light fixtures are most assuredly NOT supposed to leak water onto your floor. Added: We had a good storm roll through the area and during the best of the sideways-falling rain, my lovely wife ran out to the garage to tell me we had a serious problem. And we did... because light fixtures are most assuredly NOT supposed to leak water onto your floor.
Unchanged: And that's when the excitement wears off - when the two-year old roof on your house leaks and you spend a couple of hours tearing soaking wet insulation out of your attic.Unchanged: And that's when the excitement wears off - when the two-year old roof on your house leaks and you spend a couple of hours tearing soaking wet insulation out of your attic.
Deleted: AndAdded: And fiberglass itches like a motherfucker. That is all.

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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